HaPpY BiTcHes!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

in need of money to survive till next july...trying means and ways to search for lobangs...

found one thru my cousin...APEC appreciation dinner at Suntec!!! though the job was quite slack...but i was still damn shagged after work...concussed for 13 strgt hrs!!! and yup...the biggest shot yest was PM Lee...

anyway...dinner was the "leftover food" (buffet) for the invited guests...and i seriously think it was the most extravagant buffet spread i've ever seen...how can they prepared so much salmon sashimi for a buffet? i bet mich will be so jealous of me if she ever see the video i took of the spread...

up next, another APEC appreciation dinner at Expo...gg to meet new faces again...

yayapapaya at 4:11 PM

never never...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

never haolian infront of the dartboard...(dartboard fairy dun like)

never play mj after u are a bit "mabok"...

about three hrs ago...'S'omeone 'S'ooooo (try to decipher) clever told me that the protruding bones just below and behind the ears are called tonsil!!! next time when u see me with two strepsils behind my ears, its because i am having a sore throat...

a hot towel on the forehead after a "higghhhhh" SAC outing works wonder!!!

o ya...make it a hot pink towel (thank u shy)...

liitle pink kena hood

yayapapaya at 1:49 AM

MoThEr BItCh!
NoT Single BuT sTill VERY Available

Bitching Corner



To Myself!!!